Wednesday, 19 November 2008
A visit to Walker Books
The meal was excellent as I am a Burrito fan (picked that habit up from watching too much Invader Zim - but that is another tale altogether). What really made me excited was the books that they hav lined up for release starting next year. The first book we looked at was Skim a graphic novel written and drawn by Canadian cousins Jillian and Mariko Tamaki. This book has been nominated for a number of literary awards in the USA and Canada and has just been nominated for the Canadian Governor-General's Award which has sparked some controversy, for more details on that click here and here.
The other titles lined up for release include Glister by Andi Watson, Vermonia - a manga series by Studio YoYo. Vermonia will also contain hidden clues within the illustrations to enable readers to take part in an online game. Raven's Gate by Anthony Horowitz is also undergoing the Graphic Novel treatment, Salem Brownstone: All along the Watchtowers a gothic graphic novel by John Dunning and Nikhil Singh and finally (for now anyway) The Legend of Robin Hood.
For more details on Walker Books Graphic Novels click this link
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
November is NaNoWriMo
Valuing enthusiasm and perseverance over painstaking craft, NaNoWriMo is a novel-writing program for everyone who has thought fleetingly about writing a novel but has been scared away by the time and effort involved.
Because of the limited writing window, the ONLY thing that matters in NaNoWriMo is output. It's all about quantity, not quality. The kamikaze approach forces you to lower your expectations, take risks, and write on the fly. (taken from
This writing project is a good way of encouraging young writers to attempt to write a novel.
Find out more here:
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Hallowe'en Idea
At the September TARGET (TeenAge Reading Group EdmonTon) meeting a couple of the group members asked me to make them a Librarian mask each, so instead of making them individual masks I photographed my face,

and made a mask template and photocopied it for all the attendees.

This event was one of the most popular book sessions I have run this year and it really creeped out some of the library staff when they saw several mini-mes running around the Library.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
New author website
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Mary Hoffman
On wednesday 23rd July I was one of a fortunate group of Librarians to be invited to the offices of Bloomsbury Publishers to meet Mary Hoffman (the author of the fantastic Stravaganza series as well as The Falconer's Knot and many other fabulous books).
We all sat round a table and discussed the Stravaganza series with Mary - how the inspiration for the stories struck, her love for all things Italian and heard her read an extract from the latest book Stravaganza - City of Secrets. We were also fortuante to hear er read the prologue from her latest (as yet unpublished) book set during the time of the Albigensian Crusade - the title escapes me at present but I will add it as soon as I recall it. We were also shown the talismans from each book that she acquired during the writing and used as foci to keep her mind in the project. Mary was also barraged with questions about her books, plans for future titles in the series and Italy. I was interested to discover that her family was close to one of my favourite authors when I was growing up the late Douglas Hill author of Blade of the Poisoner - the first fantasy novel I can recall reading and the Galactic Warlord series starring the last Legionnaire Keill Randor.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Malorie Blackman awarded OBE
Malorie says of the honour:
“I have been a professional writer for almost two decades now, so I am thrilled and honoured to receive an OBE for services to children's literature.”
Malorie Blackman is one of the country’s most well loved and acclaimed authors for young adults. She worked as a Database Manager and Systems Programmer before becoming a full-time writer. After receiving 82 rejection letters for her first eight to ten books, her first book, Not So Stupid! was published in 1990 and was a selected title for the 1991 Feminist Book Fortnight, and Malorie participated in the first BBC TV Black Women’s Screenwriting Workshop in 1991. She has written a number of books for young readers which have been dramatised successfully for children’s television including the Whizziwig series and has worked on other TV projects such as Byker Grove and Pig Heart Boy which won a BAFTA for best children’s drama 2000.
Malorie’s titles for Random House Children’s Books include Cloud Busting (selected for the first Booked Up Scheme in 2007), Hacker, Thief and Pig Heart Boy. For older readers her name has become famed for the Noughts & Crosses sequence, where set ideas of race, heritage, belief, power, money and love are challenged – the first book was recently adapted for the stage and directed by Dominic Cooke for the Royal Shakespeare Company, playing to critical acclaim in the Winter Season 2007/8, in Stratford upon Avon and on tour around the UK. A fourth book is to be published in November 2008, moving on the story in Double Cross, which is set to be one of the most highly anticipated books of the year.
Malorie’s reputation has steadily grown and she has been awarded a number of prizes, and has been involved in countless projects enabling children and young adults to access her work, and get interested in reading. She lives in Kent with her husband and daughter – and a collection of around 15,000 books!
(taken from Randon House Press Release
Sunday, 15 June 2008
No to Age Banding
I believe that this should be supported (the campaign against age banding that is). There has been quite a lot of movement in the blogosphere and in national press about this - both for and against. Some links follow below:
Pop Goes the Library
The Guardian
Adele Geras - Guardian Blogs
Forbidden Planet Blog
The Bookseller
Anne Fine - Scotsman News
Monday, 19 May 2008
Teen Librarian Monthly News
Sunday, 20 April 2008
For any Libraries in the London area that have manga groups:
Date: April 26th 2008
Time: 1pm
Location: Orbital Manga
Address: 4c Orion House, Upper St Martins Lane, London WC2H 9NY
Tel. 0207 2405577
Manga Fans this is your chance to meet the artists from the new manga graphic novel Demon Prince: Children of Gaia.
Don't miss this opportunity to see the artist from Dimensional Manga in action sketching on some pretty big peices of board!
You'll also be able to pick up some pre-release volumes of the manga book 1-5 exclusively and limited edition A1 sized posters @ Orbital Manga on the day of the signing.
The first 10 customers to buy vol.1 and a poster will recieve signed copies and a FREE manga art illustration drawn in front of them!
Manga Art Competition!!
To be in with a chance of winning some cool prizes courtesy of Dimensional Manga all you have to do is draw some cool art and post / hand it in to Orbital Manga with your name, email and contact number on the back.
Deadline: 26th April by 2pm (bring your art with you on the day of the signing)
Here's what you could win -
If you're supertalented - there's a chance of a possible position within Dimensional Manga!!
*1st PRIZE*
Demon Prince: Children of Gaia volumes 1-5 signed, 3 posters and a special limited edition hand drawn manga art (That's around £80 worth of goodies!)
*2nd PRIZE*
Demon Prince - Children of Gaia volume 1-2 signed
*3rd PRIZE*
Demon Prince - Children of Gaia volume 1 signed
Orbital Manga recommends London Graphic Center as a great stockist for materials needed to prepare any art for the competition
Friday, 18 April 2008
Books to look out for

I have passed them on to a colleague of mine for a review from a female perspective.
You can get to Lisa's website by folliwing this link: Pink World
Saturday, 22 March 2008
YLG London AGM at Faber & Faber
These were:

Steve Voake

Alexander Gordon Smith (and his brother Jamie's head)

Rachel Wright

Alex Milway and his rats.
All attendees were introduced to the F&F youth punlishingteam and then the floor was left open to the authors.
Steve Voake discussed his books The Dreamwalkers Child, The Web of Fire and The Starlight Conspiracy.
Alexander Gordon Smith (so named he said to prevent him having the nickname 'GAS' in school) - call him Gordon, spoke about his series The Inventors that he co-writes with his younger brother Jamie.
Rachel Wright spoke about her book You've got Blackmail and the heroine Lozzie Cracknell (described as Kelly Osbourne without the drag queen make up).
Alex Milway introduced his book The Mousehunter and showcased some mice (lovingly made by his mum) as well as speaking about workshops he has run on mouse creation and stories.
After the authors had spoken they fielded questions from the audience and then everyone had a chance to get their books signed and chat to the authors (as well as getting photos taken).

A close up of three of the mice from The Mousehunter - The Golden Mouse, The Howling Moon Mouse and (I think) the Moose Mouse.

A close up of one of AGS's tattoos - worn that night in honour of the Librarians he was speaking to
It was an excellent evening that left all attendees feeling good and is a sign of the high-quality YA books currently being published in the UK.
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Dimensional Manga

Dimensional Manga is a publishing company registered under the company name Fifth Dimension Limited. It specialises in producing manga (comic format) graphic novels. Its main titles include Demon Prince: Children of Gaia scheduled release February 2008. Titles to follow in the future include Origins: Energy Pattern Disruption, Discoveries: Fifth Dimensional LayerShift, Ghost Battle: Imprisoned by Progression, Incomplete: Detached, Hero Complex, Winning Tactics F.C and Monsters& Samurais.
Dimensional Manga believes in providing fans with a top quality experience through stunning storylines captured in amazing manga graphic novels. Dimensional Manga's ultimate aim is to push the barriers within the comic books arena and introduce never before seen concepts and content encapsulated in a perfect balance of action, comedy and excitement guaranteed to amaze.
Dimensional Manga was founded by Dil. He had been intrigued by the comic format especially manga for over 10 years and was captivated by this art form since. This art style inspired him to begin writing his own stories and creating original character designs. In 2006 Dimensional Manga was established. The aim of this was to promote manga and the comic format in the west and to release an original unique story that would entertain the masses. To do this Dimensional Manga needed to contract professional comic artists from all over the world inlcuding Canada, Malaysia, Philipines and UK. Manga and the comic format is a unique way to express ideas. Dil prefers this medium over conventional books/novels because of the combination of visuals and written text. As a result Dil was inspired by the comic format resulting in his decision to adopt this this style for his stories.
Dil is responsible for writing the story, the script, co-ordinating the story board and instructing the artists on how to create each frame. The goal was to ‘create’, not borrow, change or visually alter established concepts, but to make a fresh start. His ultimate aim is to show that there are always new possibilities still available, no matter what achievements have been accomplished. And his hope is that this message will inspire others to do the same.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Author Profiles Section
View her blog site
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
What young people have a right to expect from their library
Young people should expect from their library:
- Participation in shaping the future of library services
- Volunteering opportunities with younger or older library users
- A place to develop citizenship skills and community engagement
- Free, safe and welcoming spaces in the local community
- Formal and informal learning support for educational attainment
- Inspiring books and reading materials supported by positive activities
- Information on education, training and careers opportunities
Gary Gygax 1938-2008
For more information follow this link Trolllord Games.
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Blog integrated into Teen Librarian UK
Thursday, 14 February 2008
I received copies of the Graphic Novel Macbeth in the post today. Three editions - in the original text, modern english and simplified text. The art, format and feel of the books is fantastic. I will post a fuller impression of the books once I have had a chance to read them but at first glance they visually stunning and a joy to behold.